Ethics and Compliance

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Sequoia has the mission to create and execute the best logistics solution to its clients and the vision to become a logistics market reference. In this context, Sequoia is committed with an ethical conduct, upright and transparent with all its stakeholders.
The Company has a Code of Ethics and Conduct which comprises values, ethical principles, responsibilities and conduct standards. In all interactions it is expected that all guidelines expressed on the Code of Ethics and Conduct and complementary internal policies are being followed.

The ethical conduct guides the performance of all daily activities of all people who either work or represent the Company, including collaborators, management and third parties who keep any business relation with Sequoia, by being disseminated with periodic training and propagated by our culture.

Although integrity and ethics are everyone’s responsibility, the Company has a Compliance area responsible for compliance and control routines, which leads to (i) receive and investigate complaints about non-compliance with governance rules and (ii) training and disclosure of Compliance standards, codes and guidelines. The governance structure also has an Audit Committee (non-statutory) that periodically reports to the Company’s Board of Directors the exposure to risks and the effectiveness of risk management systems, internal controls and the integrity/compliance system (Compliance).

To reaffirm our ethical business behavior, the Company maintains a whistleblowing channel accessible through the e-mail This channel is impartial, secure and confidential, which preserves the identity of the people involved, while dealing with each issue respecting Sequoia’s rights, all legislation, policies, rules and procedures. It can be accessed by both the Company personnel and external people.